Media Storage Service API documentation


The File resource refers to a data file within Media Storage Service that is associated to a unique file identifier named fileId..

Resource attributes:

  • file_id (string): Unique file identifier for the File

  • company-id (number): Company identifier

  • file_name (string): Name of the file (Filter Not implemented)

  • file_tags (string): File tags allow the files to be searched. A maximum of 5 tags allowed, each separated by comma(,) delimiter with optional spaces at start and end of tag (Filter Not implemented)

  • file_version (number): Version of the file metadata. Update operations must specify the extant version of the file

  • creation_time (date): Date/time when the file was defined.

  • file_retention_time (number): Time period for retention of file in days. Typically configured to 7 days

  • expire_time (date): Date/time when the file becomes expired. Determined by adding the file_retention_time to the creation_time.

  • app_name (string): Name of the application submitting the file

  • file_status (string): The file's creation status; e.g.,

    created (File is created but no upload has been performed), 
    active (File upload is in progress), 
    complete (File upload is complete), 
    failed (File upload failed), 
    deleted (File has been deleted).
    The file_status is managed by the service 
    (Filter Not implemented)
  • file_uri (string): URI for streaming the file content

  • file_size (number): The current size of the file on the store

  • file_fullsize (number): Size of file expected when upload is complete. Maximum allowed size is 200MB

  • file_compression_type (string): If compressed, specify the compression type.


Returns the list of files associated with a customer. Additional filters can be used to narrow down the search result.


Create a new file returning the URI to subsequently stream the file.


An individual file's details.


Returns the file information based on the fileid. File contents are not returned.


Update the file attributes.


Removes the file and its contents


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