Application Address Mechanics

Application Address Management API

This REST API shall be used to manage number associations with campaigns in the DEPLOYED status. This is required to allow A2P 10 Digit Long Code (a.k.a. T-Mobile Application Address Management) to successfully run in through the T-Mobile A2P messaging network.

In this case customers will perform direct actions via their provisioning systems, must send HTTP Request to Syniverse 10DLC Provisioning endpoints. This is applicable to both Long Codes and Number Pool association ADD/DELETE operations.

We have updated the v2 HTTP responses to include a JSON Payload for example, adding a request for adding a long code to a campaign should look like:

Adding Long Code to Campaign


Deleting Long Code from Campaign



In both cases, if accepted for provisioning a 200K HTTP Response will be provided with the following payload

   "code": 200,
   "message": "Request received",
   "status": "OK",
   "timestamp": "2022-07-28T09:59:25.523Z",
   "data": null

Full list of API Calls and Responses (Including HTTP errors) are provided in the API Specification (YAML).

About Syniverse Long Code Status


Once accepted into queue for processing a 10 Digit Long Code can have one of the following statuses:

PENDING = is an interim status that implies a customer requested association of an Application Address Long Code with a campaign. It implies customer waited for DEPLOYED notification from the campaign.

DEPLOYED = means Syniverse managed to create the Application Address with the long code prior the association happens, thus it is a interim status.

DEPLOYED_FAILED / ADD_FAILED = the system receives non-retriable error from the MNO API or exhausts the retry mechanism while trying to deploy and add that application address to a campaign.

ADDED = expected outcome when trying to associate an application address with a campaign.

MARK_DELETE = Customer API call requesting number to be removed from the campaign has arrived.

DELETE_FAILED / REMOVE_FAILED = the system receives non-retriable error from the MNO API or exhausts the retry mechanism while trying to remove the application address from the campaign or set long code free and in remove state.

REMOVED = expected outcome when a number removal has been requested or when a campaign expiration happened, and this number was contained in that campaign. Long Codes in this status can be recycled.




When calling the API to perform Long Code or Number Pool provisioning, the new version of the API has increased the level of validations to avoid requests to enter the provisioning queue if basic conditions are not met like:

·         Campaign Status is not DEPLOYED

·         Format related issues

On version 2.0 Syniverse will perform new validations at the HTTP Request level, providing a new set of HTTP Response Error Codes.


 Add / Delete Long Code to Campaign HTTP Response and ESS NOTIFICATIONS

Successful operation ESS Notification Event Payload

NOTIFICATION final notification successful Long Code addition


"topic": "TenDlc-Provisioning-V2",
"attempt": 1,
"event": {
"fld-val-list": {
"reason_code": "",
"longcode_status": "ADDED",
"longcode_tlv": "",
"company-id": 138389,
"longcode_description": "10DLC 12345678943 added to campaign C6EB1YH successfully.",
"tcr_campaignId": "C6EB1YH",
"longcode": "12345678943",
"number_pool_type": "",
"reason_description": "",
"number_pool_id": "",
"application_id": 9112
"evt-tp": "TenDlc_Number_V2",
"timestamp": "2022-08-01T06:02:27.288Z"
"event-id": "0ZnP3lyUQ0WdiMXbMjYYgg"




NOTIFICATION final notification successful Long Code Delete operation


"topic": "TenDlc-Provisioning-V2",
"attempt": 1,
"event": {
"fld-val-list": {
"reason_code": "",
"longcode_status": "DELETED",
"longcode_tlv": "",
"company-id": 138389,
"longcode_description": "10DLC 12345678940 deleted from campaign C6EB1YH successfully.",
"tcr_campaignId": "C6EB1YH",
"longcode": "12345678940",
"number_pool_type": "",
"reason_description": "",
"number_pool_id": "",
"application_id": 9112
"evt-tp": "TenDlc_Number_V2",
"timestamp": "2022-08-01T06:45:31.697Z"
"event-id": "A76c4p7XSBe4jd1-k2pkBV"





Failed operation ESS Notification Event Payload

NOTIFICATION failure of Long Code Add operation


"topic": "TenDlc-Provisioning-V2",
"attempt": 1,
"event": {
"fld-val-list": {
"reason_code": "",
"longcode_status": "DEPLOY_FAILED",
"longcode_tlv": "",
"company-id": 138389,
"longcode_description": "<text staring with keywords RETRY: or TICKET: or INFO: followed by a message>",
"tcr_campaignId": "C6EB1YH",
"longcode": "12345678943",
"number_pool_type": "",
"reason_description": "",
"number_pool_id": "",
"application_id": 9112
"evt-tp": "TenDlc_Number_V2",
"timestamp": "2022-08-01T05:47:11.698Z"
"event-id": "X8Pc5y7XSBe4jd1-k2pkOQ"


"topic": "TenDlc-Provisioning-V2",
"attempt": 1,
"event": {
"fld-val-list": {
"reason_code": "",
"longcode_status": "ADD_FAILED",
"longcode_tlv": "",
"company-id": 138389,
"longcode_description": "<text staring with keywords RETRY: or TICKET: or INFO: followed by a message>",
"tcr_campaignId": "C6EB1YH",
"longcode": "12345678943",
"number_pool_type": "",
"reason_description": "",
"number_pool_id": "",
"application_id": 9112
"evt-tp": "TenDlc_Number_V2",
"timestamp": "2022-08-01T05:49:12.708Z"
"event-id": "A8Gc5y7BSBe4jd1-k2pkNP"






NOTIFICATION failure of Long Code Delete operation

"topic": "TenDlc-Provisioning-V2",
"attempt": 1,
"event": {
"fld-val-list": {
"reason_code": "",
"longcode_status": "DELETE_FAILED",
"longcode_tlv": "",
"company-id": 138389,
"longcode_description": "<text staring with keywords RETRY: or TICKET: or INFO: followed by a message>",
"tcr_campaignId": "C6EB1YH",
"longcode": "12345678940",
"number_pool_type": "",
"reason_description": "",
"number_pool_id": "",
"application_id": 9112
"evt-tp": "TenDlc_Number_V2",
"timestamp": "2022-08-01T08:47:32.807Z"
"event-id": "B76c4p7USTe4Xd1-k2poBs"
