Automation API for 10DLC Provisioning

10DLC Provisioning API V2

When choosing Syniverse as your connectivity partner for 10DLC A2P Traffic your provisioning systems shall be adopting Syniverse’s 10DLC A2P PROVISIONING API. This API has been designed to work with 10DLC MNO provisioning systems (particularly T-Mobile). The steps covered on this documentation take into consideration the entire US MNO Ecosystem, TCR (The Campaign Registry) and OSR (Net Number's Override Service Registry).

Syniverse customers shall implement this API when planning to run traffic towards T-Mobile: The API performs several asynchronous tasks: TCR automation, data validation, OSR checks and T Mobile object manipulation, MO-Application Address (Long Code, Number Pool) and MT-Program Campaign creation and association.

Syniverse ESS Notification Events are sent to our Customer's Provisioning Application Endpoints (Delivery Configuration). This ESS NOTIFICATION events will keep your provisioning applications updated on Campaign Creation and Number Association Results.


Syniverse Solution consists of two basic group of activities:

Campaign Automation based on customer actions in the TCR portal/API while providing direct Syniverse ESS NOTIFICATIONS to customer provisioning systems.


Application Address Management a REST API to allow customer provisioning systems to control Long Codes and Number Pool associations to Campaigns.

When customers take direct actions in TCR, Syniverse Campaign Automation is performed towards MNOs (particularly T-Mobile) since TCR will trigger indirect automatic actions through Syniverse automation API. The result of campaign actions will be communicated back to our customers via ESS NOTIFICATION events from Syniverse.

Customer provisioning systems must subscribe to receive Campaign ESS notification Events from Syniverse.


Campaign Automation Overview


Syniverse Customers register campaigns in TCR (3rd party) as required by MNOs. The action of choosing a connectivity partner in TCR will initiate automation at Syniverse. Syniverse will provision the campaign in the MNO Systems. After automation is completed, the customer provisioning system will receive an ESS NOTIFICATION about the campaign final provisioning status.

IMPORTANT: Customers must not call Syniverse's REST API endpoints for Number Association until Syniverse confirms the Campaign is in DEPLOYED status via ESS Notification.


Number Association API Overview


After the ESS Notification (Campaign-DEPLOYED) is received by the customer provisioning system, the flow can get to the second step: 10DLC association to the desired campaign. This is accomplished via the Syniverse REST 10DLC A2P Provisioning API.

Customer provisioning systems must call the Syniverse API and listen to Long Code and Number Pool ESS notification Events. The result of long code and number pool association actions will be communicated back to our customers via ESS NOTIFICATION events from Syniverse letting our customers when the MNO is ready to receive the messaging traffic on its sanctioned 10DLC A2P routes.


Syniverse REST API endpoints allow customers to perform associations of long codes with campaigns considering two main Application Address (MO) alternatives (T-Mobile's number provisioning data objects):

  • add/remove individual Long Codes to/from campaign(s)
  • add/remove Number Pools to/from campaign(s)

A Number Pool is a representation of a dynamic and typically a large group of Long Codes. Number Pools must be requested to your account team as they do not exist by default. Number pools are required when a campaign needs multiple long codes. Furthermore, customers shall start considering a number pool if the campaign starts growing in the amount (20+) of long codes required for the use case and not wait until reaching the maximum Individual Long Code per campaign = 49 (depends on the use case, it can be lower)


About Automation and API versions

Syniverse’s API design addresses a broad number of use cases and MNO policies. The steps defined in this document are tightly connected to Syniverse’s messaging platform that handles messaging traffic in the CPaaS, SMS, and MMS routing layers.

We are constantly adding features and improving the usability of these functions, given that 10DLC Registration is still emerging in the industry.


On version 1: of this API we enabled the basic front end functionalities, and follow through ecosystem changes, new use-cases peak migration/registration events.


On version 2: we are keeping the data structures of our API while we are making significant changes to:

  • Simplified Documentation on HTTP and ESS Notification Events Error Codes including recommended action (INFO, RETRY, TICKET)
  • Self Service GET API to receive a list of all campaigns or get individual campaign details as well as application address details for Long Code and Number Pools
  • Increased HTTP REST API Responses and Validations to optimize Queue Management
  • Significant Syniverse Queue Management (HTTP Rate Limiting and API Quotas)
  • Improved Campaign and Long Code state control that address MNO's TPS and Parallel processing challenges


Interfaces of the 10DLC A2P ECOSYSTEM (Provisioning and Routing Detailed View)


There are several interfaces that involve 10DLC lifecycle management where 2 main functional areas should be highlighted.





- Provisioning (Focus of this API Doc): 10DLC Sender Registration considers all the operations that a Syniverse customer shall follow to register A2P 10 Digit Long Codes (A2P 10DLC) into the ecosystem. This concept embodies Campaign and Brand Set Up for all mobile carriers including T-Mobile’s required API provisioning through Syniverse. As described in Syniverse 10DLC Technical Package, there are elements that are outside of the Syniverse span of control such as TCR Campaign Provisioning (TCR) 10DLC Long Code Management and OSR/NNID updates.


- Messaging: once the 10DLC Sender Registration is completed for all MNOs (All US Mobile Carriers) messages can flow on 10DLC A2P Sanction & Registered routes subject to the carrier policies and controls for B2C / A2P communication following the rules established on their code of conduct and best practice guidelines.